The board and the management of Prinsjesdag would like to thank all sellers and buyers for their confidence in the quality of Prinsjesdag Foal Auction. In addition, we would like to thank all sellers, buyers, selectors, partners, staff, volunteers and all other involved for their contribution to the success of the fantastic auction day. Without you, we couldn't have done it!
Prinsjesdag Foal Auction congratulates all the buyers with their foals acquired last week and wish them an undisturbed rearing period and a lot of sport and breeding success in the future.
As is customary, the Breeders of the Year are honored every year on the third Tuesday of September. This year's title was awarded for the first time this year to a dressage foal and a showjumping foal breeder. The Temmink family from Vorden received the Dressage Horse Breeder's prize for having bred Boston STH who simply shone under Denise Nekeman, both at the NC and EC Young Riders. This impressive stallion was sold at the 2006 Prinsjesdag Auction and opened this year's dressage foal auction. The Prinsjesdag title for Showjumping Horse Breeder of the Year was awarded to the Van Loon family from Hooge Mierde. They had also presented a foal in 2006, namely Bonne Chance, the Baloubet daughter that won bronze at last summer's EC in Aachen under the Swiss Janika Sprunger and since wrote three Grand Prix to her name. Congratulated!
The 2015 edition of Prinsjesdag Foal Auction has entered history as a very special one, where 39 dressage foals and 50 showjumping foals were knocked down by the new auctioneer Koen Olaerts. And again in a new layout, where the corner men were standing outside the ring and the breeders on the short side could watch their products being sold, and again all records were broken. Two years after Prinsjesdag saw the total sales rise abo0ve the 1 million euro for the first time, this year's auction generated the highest average sales price in the showjumping foals category, namely €14,530. And also the dressage foals fetched good money with an average sales price of €11,000.
However, the price is not a priority for Prinsjesdag. The price should be a reflection of the quality and in that respect Prinsjesdag wants to play a pioneering role. In 2003 we intentionally chose the Power of Performance to be our objective. Now, 12 years later, this motto of Prinsjesdag becomes more fitting than ever before. Breeding techniques and embryo transplantation and ICSI, as well as the super fast internationalization of breeding give the idea of performance breeding a new content. There are a lot of newcomers in the sales market of foals that are willing to pay a good price for top-class material. It is up to the European top-class breeders to meet this demand.
Another interesting development is the growing interest of the riders for foals. As it keeps getting harder to get hold of well trained young horses, riders are showing more interest in acquiring foals with a high expectation value.
The record breaking results of the last auction are not a random incident according to the organization of Prinsjesdag. The explicit focus on performance introduced 12 years ago was a significant sign. Since then further initiatives were taken for the flourish of this auction. For example, after several years of modest results on the dressage side, the quality standards of the dressage collection have risen sharply. This year's collection of dressage foals was considered very good by experts in the field. Another policy was to look further ahead than just the Netherlands. The offer in Belgium, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Denmark and Ireland, for example, is seriously looked into and assessed. And only when they are up to the quality standards of Prinsjesdag, will they be selected. In addition, Prinsjesdag does not want to be restricted to any studbook or breeding region; all the breeders who invest in top-class material are very welcome to show their products.
Prinsjesdag considers its relationship with the breeders to be curcial for the success of the auction: breeders have to sell their foals and Prinsjesdag needs foals for its auction. By co-operating, you can be more successful. Prinsjesdag deeply appreciates the loyalty of the breeders and is prepared to also invest in that relationship. That is why last year the breeders stands were upgraded so that the auction's sellers have a place for themselves during the auction.
In the years to come Prinsjesdag will continue its quest for quality, both for the foal auction on the third Tuesday of September and for the embryo's marketed online at www.embryoauction.com† Also in 2016 Prinsjesdag Foal Auction will take place on the third Tuesday of September, the 21st, at the National Equestrian Center in Ermelo. Anyone who already wants to enter any foals (expected in 2016) can download their entry form via the website www.prinsjesdag.eu.
The board and organization of Prinsjesdag would like to thank all entrants and buyers for their confidence in the quality of Foal Auction Prinsjesdag. We also thank all entrants, buyers, selectors, partners, employees, volunteers and everyone else involved for everyone's contribution to the success of the fantastic auction day. It wouldn't have been possible without you!
Foal Auction Prinsjesdag congratulates all buyers with their foals acquired last week and wishes everyone a successful rearing and sporting and breeding success in the future.
As usual, the Prinsjesdag Breeders of the Year are honored on the third Tuesday of September every year. This year, for the first time, that title was awarded to a dressage breeder and a show jumping breeder. The Temmink family from Vorden was awarded the prize for breeding Boston STH who shone under Denise Nekeman at both the Dutch National Championships and European Championships for Young Riders. The impressive stallion was sold during Prinsjesdag in 2006 and this year opened the dressage auction in the afternoon. The jumping title of Prinsjesdag Breeder of the Year went to the Van Loon family from Hooge Mierde. They also brought in a foal in 2006, Bonne Chance, the Baloubet mare who won bronze at the European Championships in Aachen last summer with the Swiss Janika Sprunger and who won three Grand Prix. Congratulations!
Foal Auction Prinsjesdag 2015 will go down in history as a special edition. 39 dressage foals and 50 jumping foals were auctioned by the new auctioneer Koen Olaerts. All records were broken with another new set-up, with the corner men standing outside the ring and the breeders on the short side able to follow the sales of their products. Two years after Prinsjesdag saw the total turnover rise above 1 million euros for the first time, the auction recorded the highest average sales proceeds for the jumping foals this year, namely € 14,530. And the dressage foals also fetched a good price on average with € 11,000.
However, the price in itself is not an end in itself for Prinsjesdag. The price should be a reflection of the quality. And in that respect, Prinsjesdag would like to play a pioneering role. In 2003 a conscious choice was made for The Power of Performance. Now 12 years later, that motto of Prinsjesdag is more applicable than ever before. Breeding techniques such as embryo transfer and ICSI, and the rapid internationalization of breeding, give new meaning to the concept of performance breeding. There are many new entrants to the foal buyer's market who are willing to pay a good price for top material. It is up to Europe's top breeders to meet this demand.
Another interesting development is the increased interest of riders in foals. The more difficult it becomes to find well-trained young horses, the more riders seem to be interested in high-expectation foals.
Last week's top auction is not a one-off incident for the organization of Prinsjesdag. The explicit choice for achievement 12 years ago has been a very clear one. But even after that, there have been numerous initiatives to allow the auction to grow further. For example, after a few lean dressage years, an explicit choice was made to increase the quality of the dressage collection. This year there was a collection of dressage foals that were described as very good by the experts. It is also a conscious choice to look further than the Netherlands is large. Offers in Belgium, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Denmark and Ireland, for example, are being viewed and assessed. And if it fits in with the quality standards of Prinsjesdag, selected. Also, as far as Prinsjesdag is concerned, there are no restrictions in terms of studbook or breeding area: breeders who invest in top material are always welcome with their products.
Furthermore, Prinsjesdag considers the relationship with breeders to be decisive for the success of the auction: breeders still have sales for their foals, and Prinsjesdag needs foals to be auctioned. If you work together you can be successful. Prinsjesdag needs the loyalty of breeders, and is also willing to invest in that relationship. For example, last year it was decided to build the breeders' stand where the entrants have their own place during the auction.
For the coming years, Prinsjesdag will continue the pursuit of quality. For the foal auction on the third Tuesday of September and of course to market embryos online via www.embryoauction.com† In 2016 Foal Auction Prinsjesdag will take place on Tuesday 21 September in the National Equestrian Center in Ermelo. If you already want to register your foal(s) (expected in 2016), you can download a registration form via the website www.prinsjesdag.eu.